Welcome to Lakeview Elementary School!
Welcome to Lakeview Elementary!

I am honored to be the principal at Lakeview Elementary! Everyday I get to work with the incredible students, families, and staff that make up our Lakeview school community.
Our Mission Statement: Team Lakeview believes that education is a foundation of life’s successes. Through purposeful instruction, guidance, and encouragement our students will excel and continuously grow.
This year, we will welcome approximately 390 students in Kindergarten through fifth grade. Our teachers work in grade level teams and collaborate with specialists, curriculum leaders, and special education staff, ELL staff and support staff to ensure high levels of learning for ALL students. Relationships are at the core of the work that we do everyday. We believe that in order to teach students the most important thing we do is to create and build relationships with students and families. The entire staff is committed to making Lakeview a great experience for our students, families and staff. Lakeview will continue to teach and implement common expectations for ALL students throughout the learning environment so that students learn consistency about Being Safe, Being Respectful and Being Responsible.
Lakeview’s School Neighborhood Advisory Committee (SNAC) plans and implements school-wide activities that enhance the school and community by building a positive Lakeview community spirit. I encourage you to become an active member of our SNAC. Partnering with parents, families and our neighbors is vital to our success as a school community. Together we will make a difference!
Our Community Learning Center (CLC)provides programs for before and after school, as well as family events throughout the year. The goals of our Community Learning Center are to increase student achievement, to support families, and to build stronger neighborhoods. The Willard Community Center is the lead agency for CLC at Lakeview. Please contact our site supervisor, Gina Benne at gbenne@lps.org for more CLC information. If you ever have any questions, concerns, or feedback to share, please contact our office. We can be reached at 402-436-1149.
We are going to have a fantastic year!
Susan Hershberger
Proud Principal of Lakeview Elementary School
Safe Dismissal Procedures
To ensure the safety of students and drivers we ask that families picking up students after school by car travel from the east on West Q street, enter the parking lot, remain in your car and move forward. Teachers will dismiss students to you. You should then exit the parking lot to the west toward Capitol Beach Blvd. Please do not instruct children to cross the street in the middle of the block without an adult accompanying them. If you need to get out of your car there is limited space in the cutout on West Q Street.
Daily Schedule
7:00 a.m.: Students enrolled in before school may enter the building
8:40 a.m.: Students eating breakfast may enter the building
8:40 a.m.: All students can enter the building
9:00 a.m.: Classes begin
3:38 p.m.: School dismissed
6:00 p.m.: Students enrolled in after school must be picked up
Lunch Schedule
11:15—11:45 a.m.
1st Grade
11:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
2nd Grade
11:40 a.m.—12:20 p.m.
3rd Grade
12:05—12:35 p.m.
4th Grade
12:25—1:05 p.m.
5th Grade
12:45—1:15 p.m.
School Hours
9:00 a.m. to 3:38 p.m.
ParentVue / StudentVue
Grades, attendance, notifications and more
Important Information Booklet, Common Practices and School Handbook
Title I for Parents
Letter, Compact, Policy
Catalog search, Online Databases, eBooks
View Meals
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
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